Journal of Advance Multidisciplinary Research <p><strong>Journal of Advance Multidisciplinary Research</strong> A peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality manuscripts on all aspects of Education and Literacy. It publishes original research articles, review articles, and letters of high quality and impact that comply with scientific and ethical standards. So it covers the full range of research and this journal publishes articles on all subjects and areas.</p> en-US (SYNSTO (Rahul Singh)) (Dr. Anu Gauba) Sun, 05 Jan 2025 17:04:43 +0000 OJS 60 Tourist planning and its impact on the development of the Al-Najaf Sea: a vision for urban and regional planning <p>The tourism movement in Al-Najaf Governorate has witnessed significant development after 2003 in light of the development of human and developmental awareness and the improvement of quality of life linked to various elements, including the importance of tourism. The research showed that Al-Najaf enjoys a developed and modern internal land transport network that connects various parts of the city and its commercial and tourist centers. The developmental tourist planning focused on the civil aspect and the essential components of the environment, working to create areas of attraction and services that match the volume of tourist landmarks in Al-Najaf, which are intended for future development to suit their importance and size in order to connect the elements to provide better services and make the Al-Najaf Lowland an internal and external economic tourist center to expand the economy and improve the community's welfare economically, by providing job opportunities and marketing the touristic products and the natural and historical tourist areas present at the lowland.</p> <p style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph;">The main problem of the research is that (the Al-Najaf Lowland represents a multidimensional tourist center that requires tourist planning and the development of its natural and heritage resources), and the tourism movement and its development help to increase the structure of tourism development, activate it, and raise its functional level with the availability of job opportunities and community prosperity.</p> Insaf Jaafar Khiyoun Al-Yasser, Raina Adel Jawad, Fadhil Abbas Mar Al-Sahlani Copyright (c) 2025 Insaf Jaafar Khiyoun Al-Yasser, Raina Adel Jawad, Fadhil Abbas Mar Al-Sahlani Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Russian-American conflict in Ukraine and its impact on the international order <p>The Russian military intervention in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, represents one of the most serious geopolitical crises facing Europe after the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s because it threatens the outbreak of a large-scale conflict on the European continent and threatens to destabilize the foundations of the global order dominated by the United States of America. It paves the way for the establishment of a new multipolar world order in which Russia and its ally China will have an effective role. Ukraine presents a new model of post-Cold War warfare, as it constitutes an important axis in the ongoing conflict between the major powers (Russia, the European Union, and the United States of America).</p> Dr. Raad Abdulsada Bazoon Alhadrawi Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Empowering preschool students to improve personal hygiene skills through storytelling and interactive video methods in children at Jaddih, Bangkalan <p><strong>Background:</strong> Personal hygiene is crucial for preventing health issues like diarrhea and gastroenteritis in preschool children. However, preschoolers often neglect hygiene due to their focus on play. Effective education for this age group should be engaging and suited to their cognitive development to ensure proper understanding and application.</p> <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> This program aimed to educate kindergarten students on personal hygiene targeting students within the Jaddih Health Center service area.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> An observational study in August 2022 involved 56 kindergarten students from two schools. A pre- and post-test design was used to evaluate the impact of the personal hygiene education program, which included storytelling and interactive videos on oral hygiene, handwashing, and COVID-19 protocols. Hands-on activities helped students practice these skills.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Significant improvements were observed in students' understanding of personal hygiene after the sessions. Dharma Wanita Persatuan 06 Kindergarten students increased from 60.7% to 100% (p = 0.000), while Insan Aqilin Kindergarten students improved from 92.8% to 100% (p = 0.000). These results suggest that dental professionals, particularly Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists, can play a key role in promoting healthier behaviors.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The community service activity in Puskesmas Jaddih, Bangkalan, successfully enhanced preschool students' knowledge and skills in maintaining oral health through Storytelling and Interactive Video methods. Regular educational and training programs on oral health are recommended to further improve young children's oral health.</p> Sisca Meida Wati, Retno Pudji Rahayu, Theresia Indah Budhy, Astari Puteri, Nadila Tahta Fidari, Amanda Ayu Aprilia Copyright (c) 2025 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Fintech: an unrevealed threat to India <p>Fintech is a dynamic amalgamation of money and technology. We acknowledge the importance of both, since each is vital to our life. Fintech involves handling or managing money through a digital interface rather than using legal tender money. It evidently seems to be advantageous, as demonstrated in practical situations. Nonetheless, it is indisputable that the emergence of fintech in India has coincided with an increase in cybercrime rates. This study aims to identify the causal link between fintech and digital fraud, as well as the factors contributing to this association. We gathered primary data from 241 respondents, processed it using correlation and regression, and evaluated it using a two-tailed test and pearson coefficient test. The findings of this study may contribute to the mitigation of cyber fraud.</p> Suchita Sharma Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 13 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000