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The curious case of ‘eco-friendly’ products: combating the menace of greenwashing


Greenwashing is a practice where businesses engage in deceptive representation to market their products and services as environmentally friendly. This has become a growing concern since it undermines genuine efforts in tackling climate change and environmental issues. This paper examines the concept, methods, impacts of greenwashing across industries, regulatory frameworks and its impact on consumer trust and sustainability. By analysing existing literature on the subject, the paper identifies key strategies employed in greenwashing, such as vague labelling, hidden trade-offs, irrelevant claims, lesser of the two evils and predatory delay. Further, it discusses the regulatory landscape in India and abroad aimed at combating greenwashing, including stricter environmental reporting standards, substantiated environmental claims, third-party certifications, and ESG disclosures. The findings underscore the need for stronger enforcement mechanisms and consumer education to mitigate greenwashing and promote genuine corporate sustainability. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of greenwashing and offers actionable recommendations for policymakers, businesses, and consumers.


greenwashing, sustainability, third-party certifications, ESG disclosures, environmental claims, guidelines



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