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An investigation of teachers’ awareness of contractual breaches in public tertiary institutions in delta state of Nigeria


This investigation is meant to establish whether teachers in public tertiary educational institutions in Delta State Nigeria are aware of contract, contractual breaches and other ancillary issues of breach consequential to a contract of employment, nay their contracts of employment- for example, the dimensions of contractual breaches, summary dismissal and termination of the employment of an employee or worker. In order to ascertain the above assertion, a thirteen (13)- item questionnaire was drawn and categorised into three (3) main themes- nature of contract, dimensions of contractual breaches and basis for the determination of a contract. The questionnaire was administered on one thousand (1000) respondents in a sample of the tertiary educational institutions in Delta State, out of which seven hundred (700) questionnaires were retrieved. It is established that at the first instance of the contract of employment, teachers become aware of the nature of a contractual bond, its breach and the implications of the breach of a term(s). It has also been discovered that most contracts of employment either do not contemplate or exhaust in its terms tortious, criminal and constitutional circumstances. Thus, it is of paramount importance for contractual terms of employment to be devoid of these loopholes.


contract, employment, breach, employee, terms



  1. Apologun SSS. Sociology of Education (Agbor: Royal Pace Publications), 2009.
  2. Kodilinye G, Aluko O. Nigerian Law of Tort (Ibadan: Spectrum Law Publishing), 1999.
  3. Sagay IE. Nigerian Law of Contract (Ibadan: Spectrum Law Publishing), 2000, p1.
  4. Gayovwi GA. “Breach of Legal Duties and Management of Students’ in Utuama, A.A. and Whawo, D.D. (eds.) Introduction to Education Law (Ibadan: Kraft Book Ltd), 2011, p128-143.
  5. Bryan. Black’s Law Dictionary (9th ed., West Publishing Co.), 2009.
  6. Gayovwi GA. “Breach of Legal Duties and Management of Students’ in Utuama, A.A. and Whawo, D.D. (eds.) Introduction to Education Law (Ibadan: Kraft Book Ltd), 2011, p128-143.
  7. Ovieghara EE. Labour Law in Nigeria. Lagos: Malthouse Press Ltd, 2001.
  8. Peretomode VF. Education Law: Principles, Cases and Materials on Schools. Owerri: International Universities Press Ltd, 1992.
  9. Busch D, Hondius H, Kooten V, Schelhaas H, Schrama W. The Principles of European Contract and Dutch Law: A Commentary (Kluwer Law International), 2002.
  10. In the same regard is the case of Honica Sawmill Nigeriger Ltd. Vs. Hoff (1992) 4 NWLR 238, 673, where the Court of Appeal stated that the express terms in a contract of employment with statutory flavour most be clear and unambiguous leaving no room for doubt or conjecture, 1981, NSCC vol. 12, 19.
  11. For assault occasioning harm see section 355 of the Criminal Code Act, cap. 77 (LFN), 1990.
  12. Gayovwi GA. ‘Contract and Employment of Teachers for Optimal Performance’ in Utuama, A.A. and Whawo,D.D.(eds.), Introduction to Education Law (Ibadan: Kraft Books Ltd.), 2011, p114-127.
  13. See Ogunniyi O. Nigeria Labour and Employment Law Perspective, 2nd ed. (Lagos: Folio Publishers Limited).