Integrated marketing communication framework for esports brand growth and audience expansion


  • Sidney Esiri Sidizens Esports, Nigeria


integrated marketing communication, eSports branding, digital marketing, sponsorship, audience engagement, social media, monetization strategies


The rapid expansion of eSports as a mainstream entertainment industry has created the need for a comprehensive Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) framework to enhance brand growth and audience engagement. This review proposes an IMC model tailored to the unique dynamics of eSports, incorporating digital marketing, sponsorship strategies, event marketing, and community engagement. By integrating multiple communication channels and data-driven decision-making, the framework aims to establish strong brand positioning and maximize audience reach. A key component of the framework is digital and social media marketing, leveraging platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, Discord, and TikTok to enhance audience interaction through influencer collaborations, live streaming, and gamified content. Sponsorship and partnership strategies play a crucial role in brand monetization, attracting both endemic (gaming-related) and non-endemic sponsors through innovative co-branding opportunities. Additionally, event marketing and fan engagement strategies, including in-person tournaments, virtual events, and hybrid experiences, contribute to sustained audience retention. Public relations and community-driven branding efforts help build trust and authenticity, ensuring long-term loyalty among fans. The framework also explores monetization strategies, such as branded merchandise, digital collectibles, and subscription-based content models. By implementing data-driven audience segmentation, eSports organizations can personalize marketing campaigns to different fan demographics, optimizing engagement and conversion rates. Case studies from successful eSports teams and brands demonstrate the effectiveness of IMC strategies in driving brand equity and market expansion. However, challenges such as content saturation, ad-blocking, and shifting platform preferences must be addressed to ensure sustainable growth. This research highlights the importance of integrating emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, and metaverse branding, to maintain competitive advantage. The proposed IMC framework provides a strategic roadmap for eSports stakeholders seeking to enhance brand visibility, audience engagement, and long-term profitability in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


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How to Cite

Esiri, S. (2022). Integrated marketing communication framework for esports brand growth and audience expansion. Journal of Advance Multidisciplinary Research, 1(2), 39–47. Retrieved from


