Non-schroedinger orbitals


  • Stanislav Ordin The Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


classical orbit, ionization potential, planck resonance, de broglie waves


Schrödinger's "searchlight" made it possible to enlighten the atom and cast shadows on the "Screen of the Observer". But the main trouble of the modern "Quantum Theory" is precisely that it mistook the shadows from the "Elephant" for the "Elephant" itself, for Reality. This led to a catastrophic discrepancy between the allowed calculated energy levels of electrons and the experimental ionization potentials with an increase in the mass of atoms. But the inclusion of "normal illumination" - understanding gives a real Quantum Theory, which can be built on the path laid by Planck-de Broglie-Einstein-Heisenberg-Bohm. Quantization adds a new invariant and strictly mathematically, according to Planck, expands complements the Classics, and does not deny it - Resonant orbits of electrons in atoms - Electronic Orbitals correspond to resonant de Broglie waves. And pontryagin's dualism of functional sets translates schrödinger's uncertainty principle into the principle of certainty=observability.


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Stanislav Ordin. «Dualism of newton's elementary particle», International Journal of Physics and Applications (IJOS). 2022;4(1):07-16, E-ISSN: 2664-7583, P-ISSN: 2664-7575.

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Ordin SV. “Quasinuclear foundation for the expansion of quantum mechanics", International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science (IJARPS) 2018;5(6):35-45. Paper ID # 3115.




How to Cite

Ordin, S. (2023). Non-schroedinger orbitals. Journal of Advance Multidisciplinary Research, 2(2), 14–21. Retrieved from


