Empowering preschool students to improve personal hygiene skills through storytelling and interactive video methods in children at Jaddih, Bangkalan
Personal hygiene, Storytelling, Interactive videos, Preschool students, Good health and well beingAbstract
Background: Personal hygiene is crucial for preventing health issues like diarrhea and gastroenteritis in preschool children. However, preschoolers often neglect hygiene due to their focus on play. Effective education for this age group should be engaging and suited to their cognitive development to ensure proper understanding and application.
Purpose: This program aimed to educate kindergarten students on personal hygiene targeting students within the Jaddih Health Center service area.
Methods: An observational study in August 2022 involved 56 kindergarten students from two schools. A pre- and post-test design was used to evaluate the impact of the personal hygiene education program, which included storytelling and interactive videos on oral hygiene, handwashing, and COVID-19 protocols. Hands-on activities helped students practice these skills.
Results: Significant improvements were observed in students' understanding of personal hygiene after the sessions. Dharma Wanita Persatuan 06 Kindergarten students increased from 60.7% to 100% (p = 0.000), while Insan Aqilin Kindergarten students improved from 92.8% to 100% (p = 0.000). These results suggest that dental professionals, particularly Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists, can play a key role in promoting healthier behaviors.
Conclusion: The community service activity in Puskesmas Jaddih, Bangkalan, successfully enhanced preschool students' knowledge and skills in maintaining oral health through Storytelling and Interactive Video methods. Regular educational and training programs on oral health are recommended to further improve young children's oral health.
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