A study on insecticidal activity of neem tree (Azadirachta indica) leaf-extract against cowpea weevils (Callosobrucus maculatus)
neem, cowpea, weevil and anti-ovipositionAbstract
The incessant problems encountered with over reliance on synthetic insecticides have necessitated the search for alternative control strategies which are safe, effective and affordable. This study investigated the bioactivity of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) leaf- extract against the storage of cowpea (Callosobruchus maculates F.), under laboratory conditions. The weevils were reared on cowpea seeds treated with aqueous leaf extracts at concentrations; 25ppm, 50ppm, 75ppm and 100ppm to compare toxicity, anti-oviposition effect. After 24hours of exposure, observed mortality was 2.33±0.58, 3.33±0.58, 4.33± 0.58 and 5.33±0.58. It was observed that, the female weevils reared with the treated extract laid significantly fewer eggs compared to the one in the control. The action was dose dependent (the higher the concentration the less the eggs laid). The extract did not alter the sex ratio of the insect pest. The results from this study showed that, neem leaf extract is effective in controlling C. maculates and could, therefore, serve as an alternative to synthetic insecticides in controlling the storage pest of cowpea.
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