Review on phenotypic characterization and reproductive performance of indigenous goat populations in Ethiopia


  • Andualem Yihun Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Oda Bultum University, Chiro, Ethiopia


Ethiopia, goat, performance, phenotype, population and review


The review was conducted to Phenotypic Characterization and Reproductive performance of Indigenous Goat Populations in Ethiopia. Concerned with breeding practice of producers of indigenous goat were practiced for improved their goat productivity through cross breeding and pure breeding methods. Indigenous goat doesn’t have phenotypic standards and their classification is given based on colours and name of place where they are characterized. Still those local goats are non-descriptive type and show variations in body position, body colour, horn type, their adaptation and productivity. Traditional management systems is the dominant management practices of goat with small feed supplementation. High incidence of goat diseases, predators is the major economically important constraints for local goat production systems followed by feed shortage and predators in the country. Since local goat have good potential to adapt in different agro-ecology and make available well-appointed source of family protein and income for rural people. Indigenous breeds of goat are playing an important role in rural economies in most of the developing countries. They play a major role for the rural poor people with respect to their subsidiary income and provide them with nutritious of goat meat and milk for their own consumption. The present review was made to document the importance of indigenous goat characterizations and breeding Practices in Ethiopia for rural economy and its improvement with respect to performance.


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How to Cite

Yihun, A. (2022). Review on phenotypic characterization and reproductive performance of indigenous goat populations in Ethiopia. Innovative Research in Biotechnology, 1(2), 01–07. Retrieved from


