Elections and poor voter participation in Nigeria: insights from below, 1959-2019
elections, democracy, participation, rigging, low turnoutAbstract
Nigeria's political leaders are elected by less than half of the registered electorate. The registered voters are often an infinitesimal percentage of the voting age population in the country. In other words, greater percentage of the eligible voting electorates fails to register for elections in the country. Questions have continued to be asked, why do few Nigerian citizens seem interested in showing up to register as voters in elections in the country? Why do many of the registered voters in the country refuse to go out on pool days to exercise their right to vote? Writers that have volunteered to answer these questions seem to have done so with conflicting opinions. This work is an attempt to answer these questions with perspectives from below. This study also seeks to highlight the implications of such undemocratic behavior to the country’s democratic establishment. Primary data was collected by the use of mixed (closed and open-ended) questionnaires as well as oral interviews, while secondary data was collected through review of relevant literature. The findings are that Nigerian electorates fail to turn out to vote because of the personality of most party candidates that contest the elections, mal-distribution of political wards, lack of authenticity and genuineness of voters register, muscles and violence that characterize the elections etc.
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