Quality evaluation of formulated banana, mango and watermelon low sugar jam
jam, low sugar jam, physicochemical, microbiological and sensory propertiesAbstract
Quality evaluation of banana, mango and watermelon low sugar jam was investigated. Normal and low sugar jams of mango, watermelon and banana were prepared following modified method. The jam samples were subjected to physicochemical, microbiological and sensory analysis using standard methods. The result of the physicochemical analysis showed significant (p<0.05) difference for ash, crude protein, fibre, moisture, carbohydrate, TTA and pH. However, the total soluble solid (TTA) showed no significant (p>0.05) difference across all the samples. The result obtained from the microbial analysis showed that bacterial count of sample C had the highest bacterial count and highest total fungal count (2.0 X 103 and 2.4 X 102 Cfu) respectively, compared to others. Both the prepared normal sugar jams and low sugar jam samples showed excellent taste, high nutritive values and good sensory acceptability. Low sugar jam samples prepared with mango and watermelon fruits showed better crude protein (0.56-1.11%) and fiber contents (2.63-4.37%). The study concluded that low-sugar jams could be satisfaction for people with restricted diet even for weight maintaining person.
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